Thomas Bien
Dec 25, 20201 min read
The Power of Mindfulness
Present-day psychological research confirms that mindfulness can ease our suffering. Simply being aware of our actual experiencing,...
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Thomas Bien
Dec 25, 20201 min read
Often the most important thing we can do in any difficulty is surrender. To surrender means to allow the situation to be just as it is,...
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Thomas Bien
Dec 25, 20201 min read
Mindfulness as Love
To love someone means first of all to be present to that person, to see them as really there, existing in their individual, distinctive,...
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Thomas Bien
Dec 25, 20201 min read
When you wake up....
When you wake up in the morning, do you find yourself running through all the things you need to do and accomplish that day? When you...
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Thomas Bien
Dec 25, 20201 min read
What are you, really?
According to the insight of the Buddha, we are not at all what we seem. Like everything else in the universe, we are impermanent, a...
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Thomas Bien
Dec 25, 20201 min read
The key to taking care of our emotions is to change how we relate to them. Often, well-meaning people will tell us to simply “put it out...
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Thomas Bien
Dec 25, 20201 min read
Meditation is a state of relaxed attention. It is a natural state characterized by production of alpha waves in the brain, and similar to...
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Thomas Bien
Dec 25, 20201 min read
Walking Meditation
The essence of walking meditation is to walk so that you enjoy the walking, aware of your breathing and of each step, unencumbered by...
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Thomas Bien
Dec 25, 20202 min read
Daily Life
On retreat with a famous Zen master, we listened carefully when someone asked him: How long should I meditate? The answer was not in...
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Thomas Bien
Dec 25, 20201 min read
To make peaceful steps on the earth. To sit with serenity. To do each thing with clear awareness. To take my time. To live fully in...
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