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Look Where You’re Going

Thomas Bien

I have a friend who loves mountain biking. She told me that when you are learning to mountain bike, you are taught to focus on where you want to go instead of where you fear you might end up. For example, say you have to steer through a narrow space between a couple of rocks. If you keep your focus on that space, you will tend to steer the bike in that direction. No problem. But if fear pulls your attention to the rocks you are trying to avoid, you are likely to hit them. And the result is not good.

This is good advice not only for mountain biking, but for life in general. Keep your focus on where you want to go. If we let fear draw our attention away from where we want to go toward where we don’t want to go, we can easily find ourselves on a short trip over the handle bars, losing our way, losing our balance, and risking injury.

Keep your eyes where you want to go.

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