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Lessons on Being Sick

Thomas Bien

In a recent bout with the flu, I noted a few things. Your universe shrinks: there is your bed, the kitchen for water and the pantry for meds, then the bed again, maybe the couch, then the bed, the bed the bed. The world seems to be moving very quickly, indifferent, though there is little anyone can do. Part of your shrunken universe is the feeling of your illness, in this case, one spread throughout the body but especially in the chest. It seems like you and the illness are all that is. It becomes difficult to meditate; a few moments of concentration are the best you can do.

It is no wonder Jesus taught that when we take care of the sick, we take care of the Christ (or the Buddha, or angels and so on).

It would be difficult to be over-solicitous to one who is sick. Slow down. Stop and be present. Remind them that you are there and that you care about them.

It means a lot.

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