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In the time of covid-19

Thomas Bien

In this strange and horrible time, it is easy for our consciousness to get lost in all the painful news reports. It goes without saying that this information should be accessed with care: Try not to take in more than you can handle in one day. Focus on the things you can do something about more than those you can’t change.

While so many aspects of life feel wrong, frightening, and even demoralizing, please be sure to pay attention to things in your life that are still good.

In reality, there are many of these. The virus itself teaches us how much good there is in our lives that we had been taking for granted prior to its arrival. Knowing this, we can train our consciousness to acknowledge deeply what is still good. It is still a beautiful spring here in New Mexico. Our eyes may still open us to the world of form and color, our ears to the realm of sound. We may still have the presence of many friends and family, even if we can only see and hear them from a distance. We may still have good legs and feet to carry us, allowing us to walk or run.

If you make a list of such things, it can easily become quite lengthy. But don’t just hurry past your list. Take a moment to pause over each item, considering how much you would miss each one.

If a sense of gratitude helps us in normal times, it is now more important than ever.

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